Donbas Studies DS

Peace and Conflict Consultant

Peace and Conflict Consultant


Supported by IZOLYATSIA, Maria Abyzova currently participates in an international training Peace and Conflict Consultant, provided by CRISP (Berlin). Later this year, Maria will share the gained experience by organising her own training in conflict solving, which will take place in Mariupol.

The Peace and Conflict Consultant program, involving six countries, takes place from September to December and comprises trainings and a practical part. During the project, the participants work on different concepts of conflict and peace, analyse local conflicts, study various techniques of conflict solving, develop and implement their own projects aimed at local communities, and evaluate the results.

Since 2007, CRISP have been working in the fields of civic education and civil conflict management. Through its projects, the organization aims to promote a critical transnational democratic culture, in which different groups can engage in constructive dialogue to solve conflicts. To achieve this objective, CRISP uses simulation game methodology.

Maria Abyzova hails from Sloviansk and practices insider mediation as an efficient method of conflict solving, in addition to high-level negotiations involving third parties. Maria has worked as a trainer for the EU Commission programme Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation: Belarus – Ukraine, helping its participants to find partners on the other side of the border, build trust and achieve productive communication.

The project is made possible with the support of IZOLYATSIA and MATRA programme of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Автор: Donbas Studies