We invite cultural activists and managers from Donetsk and Luhansk regions to join informal communication about problems and prospects of cultural initiatives in the area.
The aim of the meeting is to find new friends and partners, to get to know the creative community IZONE, to share your experience and to find out about the experiences of other cultural initiatives in the region.
The meeting is initiated for the participants of ZMINA: Impulse project and will take place on 21 October, 13:00 within the framework of TEH Camp Meeting at 8 Naberezhno-Lugova, Kyiv.
ZMINA is the series of cultural projects of IZOLYATSIA. Platform for Cultural Initiatives that have been implemented in Eastern Ukraine in close cooperation with local communities in Mariupol, Kramatorsk, Sloviansk, Pokrovsk, Bakhmut, Lisichansk, and Starobilsk. The name of the project embodies the desire for changes and at the same time refers to industrial context, indicating work shifts at factories (Ukr. – zmina) as signs of peaceful life, to which we want to return. The project aims to activate the work of local groups, establish the network of cultural relations and create decentralized creative community in cities and towns of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Such pinprick initiatives in the towns of ‘gray zone’ are intended to become that impulse which allows us to hope for positive changes in the region – made by the efforts of its residents.